When it comes to niche components for special areas of application, very small series are usually required, but the quality of their manufacture must not be inferior to series components in any way. They often have to be manufactured even more precisely and better. But when it comes to highly complex space components, absolute precision and quality are required, even in prototype production. KEMPF, the deburring specialist from Reichenbach-Fils was also able to provide the necessary deburring solutions for this and to completely automate the burr-free production.
In the current edition of dihw No. 4 2021, the advantages of ceramic fiber tools in deburring applications are highlighted over four pages.
With ball cutter and ceramic fiber brushes to burr-free series component straight out of the machine
In order to produce series components effectively, it is necessary to reduce manual activities as far as possible and ideally even to eliminate them completely. Conversely, this means that as much as possible should be integrated directly into the machining process. The topic of deburring is still neglected by many part producers, so that this work is often done manually downstream and is subject to strong quality fluctuations. KEMPF, the deburring specialist from Reichenbach-Fils, was able to implement the complete machine deburring for a series production at Schwab CNC in Rot am See and thus more than meet the required quality specifications.
With the release of the new catalog „DIAMOND STAMPED TOOLS“ we offer you a wide range of PCD standard tools from stock and deliver PCD semi standard tools within 2-3 weeks.
Our portfolio in the field of "solid carbide drills" has significantly increased and of course also improved. With our drilling professionals, the KEMPF ExBurrDrill, the KEMPF MultiDrill TriCut, the KEMPF SteelDrill DualCut and the KEMPF InoxDrill Dual Cut, we also have four special drills in our range that set standards in terms of feed and speed. Our highlight is the KEMPF ExBurrDrill, with which burrs can be avoided and thus, in the best case, a downstream deburring process is not necessary.